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Monday, May 31, 2010

6:16 AM

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Belated Birthday Gifts

well.. hav been msgin my MahalKu and told me to mit up wif her at JP. she wanna buy something for herself. soo i juz go.. she told me to mit her at the X Craft.. waiting for her i looked around the store.. i like their tshirts and pants.. esp their BLUES! haha.. mahalku came and started to ask me wat i want n showed me a tshirt.. i knew that she wanna buy me a gift for my birthday.. bt belated.. haha.. i like the tshirt she picked.. tight fitting i think.. before we bought it went to find Mammy and MyBroLuv at the M1 store.. WOW! they bought new phones.. quiet jealous:)) hhaa.. and then went back to the store to get the tshirt.. Brotha and all r still waitin for their turn.. soo RiCo went to CitiBank to bank in my money.. done n met up wif the rest at the 2nd floor.. suddenly MyBroLuv asked me wat i want again.. haha.. i was like laughing n didnt knw any reason.. he told me to follow him so juz followed.. went around the store searching for bangles.. soon i knew tat he was buying for my belated birthday too.. OMG!! haha.. im soo touched.. went to the Bluez to buy one.. n put letters on it.. i decided to.. so that i will knw who the person bought for me.. thats y i chose that.. haha.. and then once i got the gift, MyBroLuv hugged me from behind and sayang sayang one another.. im sOOO touched!! LUV YA TOO BRO!! haha.. bt i went off soon to take care of my nis and nephew.. THNKs AGAIN GUYS!! LUV YA!!

~currently listening to Glow Stick~

Luv F5

5:01 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Dance Breathe Competition + Im Talented Competition

hey guys!!
like its time for Dance Breathe Competition held at Plaza Singapura
thnks for all of the supporters to support us Nutz Crew all together!

Nutz Crew - Champion Freshest Nutz - 2nd Place
Well Done to the Freshest Nutz who clinched 2nd and also the rest of the Nutz Crew groups.. my Groovy Nutz and Phat Nutz.. they did well esp Phat Nutz who hav only 3 members in the group.. Gud Courage Guys!!

Next up.. Dance Explosion Finals! LETS DO IT!!

woke up really for the competition around 630.. hav done my props and prepared my costumes for the competition.. used the com till its time for me to go to skool.. met up the rest of the Nutz Crew outside skool where we waited for the bus to arrive and had their last prac for the comp. Bom Bom has a hair style.. NICE!! haha..

rchd the place at 12+ and straight had our warm up after checking out the stage. WOW!! the stage is SMALL man.. but bare wif it and juz DANCE!! YEAH!! haha.. had a huge lunch juz nw.. Mc and the Chocolate OMG!! haha.. the comp has started.. lucky that there is only 8 groups competing in Cat A. haha.. even the Freshest were shock to knw that we were in the same Cat as them.. haha.. SCARED?? LOL!!
while waiting for the results.. we took our time to rest and hav fun.. even took photos new frends and old frends like this garl on top.. ex-CPS and my badge some more.. ahha more photos will be coming soon soo juz wait.. samples of photos are below.. few.. hehe...

announced the results.. and more ppl are coming in the tent.. where were they came from?? haha.. Red Blue Orange.. like RIOT! haha..
we were soo happy that we got First and we showed them our Winning Performance.
haha.. like finally i danced wif Kim Shazran and Shahiran again..
Pinoy Kids is BACK!! hehe...

after the competition.. 5+1 went off quick to Gek Poh for our competition at Gek Poh CC. haha.. it was a rush bt chill rush.. haha.. and juz in time for the competition.. hav not even started yet and had a short rehearsal..

while waitin we took photos and all n prac for awhile.. juz enjoying ourselves before its our turn and even danced abit here and there wif some of the freshest nutz. haha.. got a family photo up there.. figure it out who wif who.. hehe.. wen its our turn.. during the performance its like a Genting feeling on stage bt not dat worst than on the place itself.. haha.. i dont like wen judges hav to comment about our performance bt.. hehe.. i like the first judge who siad that she attracted to me.. hehe.. SHH!! juz seying.. haha.. total of 3 judges and they like it..

finally during the results time.. we MADE IT!!

Semi Finals Here We Come!

haha.. this time more attracting costumes and dance!! YEAH!! haha.. and then went to the R's cribs juz to relax for awhile n had my fav Milo maker of the R residents.. haha.. and then off home..

seriously!!.. im irritated wif u!!
stop it can or not?? juz keep quiet..

~currently listening to Diva~

Luv F5

9:43 AM

RP practise
*meant for yesterday*

hey guys! woke up really early juz nw.. i dont knw y bt it juz happened.. den hav been using the com for like how long until its time to meet my Nutz Crew at inter change.. went to RP to hav our prac and met someone for the YOG performance coming up soon.. we performed first juz for them to see how gud we r:P CHEY!! haha.. during the prac also is for the Dance Breathe competition tmr.. i cant wait and nervous at the same time.. haha.. it was an intense prac at rp.. too cold and too sweaty.. hehe.. till at nite around 7 we went to Abang Jamil's relatives place to hav dinner.. having family gathering.. so yah!! haha.. soon we went back home feeling really exhausted!! haha.. like finally we rchd home and soo tired!! still hav not got ready for da comp tmr!! SCARED!! and i noticed that i hav not talked to my bro juz nw.. its the feeling.. angry or disappointed?? hmm.. thats y we talkd juz nw after tasha went home cuz he too noticed that i hav been quiet since juz nw during prac... well.. i was all out actually.. i dont knw scolding or juz talking bt its loud.. im sry bro bt thats how i feel.. bt i really hope that everything will be ohk.. its soo late now and i hav nt prepared for tmr..


~currently listening to Halo~

Luv F5

9:42 AM

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Happy Birthday To ME!!

Happy 16th Birthday to ME!

haha.. YIIPPPEEE!! im finally 16
it doesnt mean that im growing ohk..??:P
anyw.. my wish is that ..
my love between me and my love ones ..
esp those special ones.. will LAST FOREVER!
if it wasnt for them i wont be enjoying myself ..
ppl like my MyBroLuv MahalKu F5 Bunso Sista Nutz crew Fantastic crew...
they really put a BIG smile on my face..
even though obstacles r juz passing by..
juz to break our love wif one another..
i knw it wont happen .. trust me:))

juz wanna thnk all of my love ones and frends who greeted me at skool..
sad that some of dem forgot about it.. bt nvm:))
though no presents.. as long dey knw my birthday im HAPPY:))


"happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday happy birthday!! Happy Birthday to ME!!!!":))

:P~currently listening to Happy Birthday~:P

Luv F5

12:48 AM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
One day left
hey guys.! at we had our CIP til afternoon.. after that we had a loong break for 2hrs. like WOW!! haha.. got bored n met Farah, Qis and Jannah at the top floor of the Learner's Block.. blah blah blah and then had a performance there.. Shi Min joined also wif her FUNNIEST movements that i hav not seen before.. she is soo not her that time sey!! CRAZIER than the rest of us!! haha.. we had a gud laugh. cleand up the classroom and then had a talk wif Mr Teo.. ITS TRUE WAD HE SAID.. after the long talk .. went to the hall for the analyzing the results of the MYE!! embarrassing!! OMG!! after skool we had a dance prac... not for long i went home to take care of my nis and nephew.. bt still hav prac for the Breather competition.. AH TIRED!!

tmr is a special day for me!!

~currently listening to Glow Stick~

Luv F5

10:47 AM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Back in Skool Back in Action

Hey Guyz!! finally back to skool.. glad to see their faces again.. esp MyBroLuv and my MahalKu!! Bro Reed ran to me and gave me a BIG hug in the morning before the flag raising started.. haha.. i was laughing and touched at the same time:)) aww... MISS U TOO BRO!! haha.. and then back to normal lessons.. bt juz goin through the exam papers and such. to be honest i really slacked this term.. i hav to revise more sey.. MUST PASS!! MUST PASS!! juz before the Emaths lesson ended i off to my dance prac for our YOG performance juz nw at Suntec City.. totally last min for me and Bunso to knw our positions and the new steps that they had changed alrdy.. we were totally nervous even during our rehearsal we were anxious.. bt still we hav to do our best.. anws.. before the performance had a battle in the dressing room wif the boyz.. ahah.. i think for me the best battle i had was wif Din.. ALL OUT!! like i never dance before.. haha.. during the performance we juz gav it all out.. even though there were mistakes.. haha.. even met Pris and Ahmad and all there.. they nver go to skool sey.. haha... they were helping out for the performance.. haha.. after that we went back home and had prac wif F5!! well.. thats all i hav to sey...

~currently listening to Solo~

Luv F5

7:44 AM

Monday, May 24, 2010
Paka River!!

Paka River was AWESOME!!
i had alot of fun and made new frends.
haha.. lots of laughs and obstacles we hav to overcome during the camp.

1st Day:

woke up very early and met wif my Bunso to skool.. gathered at skool and got rdy for the trip. took a bus to go to Malaysia.. sat wif my Bunso the whole trip. the trip is about 9hrs trip.. that longer than goin to Genting. bt we rchd there safe and sound. we had our dinner before we started to do our Safari Bed. haha.. Fun doin this. and had a meetin wif the leaders before we go to sleep.

2nd Day:

woke up and got ready for the Kayaking. wore my swimwear and off to bus otw to our starting point of the kayaking. we had our kayak boat and partnered wif Suhada. nice working wif her. we even talkd while we r doin our kayak. there were really alot of obstacles along the way. thorns always in the way and there was one time that Suhada was caught by it and i took it out from her hair wearing my gloves on.. thats wen my gloves took off. haha.. at least she is safe. fun to bang wif one anothers kayak. haha.. dangerous cuz alot of obstacles occurs.. haha.. after the whole day of kayaking, camp at the nearest campsite and had our BBQ there.. even played wif the trainers and all.. esp Tuck!! FUN FUN FUN!! WOHHO!! bt keeping waiting for our tents to arrive for soo long that the teachers decided to go back to camp.. soo we did and walkd to the forest where that lil creatures came from.. i got kana u knw.. haha...

3rd Day:

the last day of kayaking and went back to the campsite where our kayak boats were parked and partners changed also.. Sophy this time is my partner. throughout the whole kayaking she didnt give up at all and continues to kayak until we finished this. she even told me if i was tired i rest while she kayaked.. im like shocked sey!! i like that kind of garl.. haha.. WILLING!! we almost reachd the camp and soon the forest became narrow and wide.. it started to rain.. all of us gathered around while it was raining.. haha.. once we heard that we were reaching soon.. we separated and off to the finish line. seeing Sophy continue to kayak.. i was really impressed wif her.. haha.. soon Fatin's kayak and mine rchd first followed by the rest. Bunso was sick that time bcuz is was raining and tired alrdy.. while she was resting at the second floor of the camp.. the rest of us went to Pasa Malam.. bought our foods and drinks for the Trakking the next day and our dinner also at the camp. I LOVE THE CHOCOLATE THERE MAN!!! NICE AND CHOCOLATY!! YUMMY! haha.. even bought my Bunso a chocolate bar juz for her to make her feel betta:)) soon it was late and went back to the camp.. went to slp after packing my things for the tracking.. overall.. the BEST day!!

4th Day:

i brought the biggest bag among the rest of the campers. PAISEY! even Hab thought that i was goin back to Singapore.. LOL!! sat together wif Bunso.. she really didnt look well.. bt hope that she will make it.. well after we warmed up.. we off to the forest.. we hav nt rchd half of the track we felt tired and dangerous cuz we kept on falling.. muddy and watery.. bt no matter wad we continued until we rchd the Waterfall.. like FINALLY! then took photos at the far view of the Waterfall. it was soo beautiful.. even at the waterfall itself where we stopped. after that we went back to the bus in 3hrs.. with alot of falling this time round bt we still manage to reach the place.. with our dirty and smelling clothes we went back to our campsite..

Bunso was not feeling well.. i took care of her.. once we rchd the campsite.. got rdy for dinner bt this time we cooked.. YUMMY!! and then we had our last reflections and packed our things after that... LIGHTS OUT!!

5th Day:

the day wen we were goin back to Singapore. stopped at the restaurant to hav our breakfast. Tuck our trainer gav a touched letter that we cried.. aww.. he is leaving us:(( and then we took a last photo wif him.. memories!! the whole day inside the bus otw to Singapore. we were even playing inside the bus.. watchd WWE shouting like nobody business.. and at Nite around 9 we rchd Singapore and rchd Juying Secondary Skool.. we were dismissed there and took last photo wif Hab. this is her last camp to be wif us.. aww.. goin to miss her..

7:46 AM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

hey guys!! at skool got bak 5 results paper..
let me tell ya.. i SLACK!!
seriously.. i couldnt believe that i can get this kind of results..
seriously.. i hav to study hard during my June Holidays..
even those papers that i pass.. its not enough for me..
cuz i knw that i can do betta..
really nid to impove those subs yo..
im really disappointed wif one of my paper.. thats the worst score that i ever had..
hmmm... got to do something about it..

had my CIP wif my class at the blocks near the stadium and went back to skool to hav my YOG prac..
haha.. i really cant wait to perform wif my Bunso!!
im soo excited!!
haha.. relac.. haha.. bt really enjoy dancing wif her.. since sec1:)
after the prac.. stayed back wif the garls..
they were discussing about the competition while me and MyBroLuv talkd for awhile..
haha.. blah blah here and blah blah there.. haha...
esp the exam papers.. haha.. no nid to elaborate this one.. haha..
den went back home to prepare for my Paka River tmr.. wif my Bunso.. haha..
now im in the house preparin for the camp.. rite aftr posting this.. haha...

~currently listening to Down Master Mix~

Luv F5

5:28 AM

Para River Tomorrow!!

hey guys!! tmr is Paka River and i juz wanna say that im goin to miss everybody.. especially those i posted .. haha.. 5days 4nites is alrdy loong for me.. haha.. too long of not seeing anyone.. too long not talking to my love ones.. im goin to miss ya all:) take care aite.. and juz wanna sey that gudluck for Nutz Crew and Fantastic Crew for the Dance Xplosion competition this Saturday.. and all the best!! RAWK THE STAGE AITE!! haha.. PEACE OUT GUYS!! LUV YA!!

4:40 AM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tired of the Day.. no since last time!!

hey guys!! man im soo TIRED!!
woke up early in the morning for my YOG prac wif my Nutz Crew at skool..
juz to prepare for the YOG performance this tues!!
bt i wnt be coming for the rehearsals as i hav Paka River on those dates.. haha..
we did our prac till 12 noon and then went home around 3plus juz to hang out in skool..
haha.. MyBroLuv and i played IpMan haha..
wif all the moves and sound effects inside the movie that we saw in youtube..
haha.. funny bt something happened to him.. haha...
juz wash it:P
haha.. enjoyed playing around wif him:))
and then went to slp at 4.. woke up at 5 for my prac at 6.. haha..
Tired Sey!!
den went to prac wif a SMELL FACE look towards them.. haha...
seriously tired like last time...
even though im not dancing for the Dance Xplosion thing.. i still danced for fun..
this is due again my camp.. aww..:((
bt nvm.. i knw that they will rawk the stage.. esp Kimberly who is BACK in ACTION!! haha...
we prac until 8pm and then went to JP wif them to first meet Kimberly's dad.. whom i hav nt seen for sooo long..
hehe.. he didnt remember me until Kim reminded him.. haha...
haha.. den mit up wif Saf Shidah MahalKu and MyBroLuv at Mc.. and helped me buy my stuffs for the camp.. thnks guys!!
Bro Reed and I were talking while finding for the stuffs.. haha..
its alrdy late and we went back home.. haha.. HAVE A SWEET TALK FIRST!! haha...
home sweet home..

i still cant find that pants.. where could it be??
hmm.. anw on Thurs is my Paka River!!

~currently listening to Solo~

Luv F5

7:48 AM

Practice makes perfect and Happy 11th Monthsary FiCo

*meant for Monday yesterday*

hey guys!! well.. it has been a tiring day for me..
early in the morning.. went to skool even though i dont hav to come,
having a meeting wif my Prefect Excos together wif our Prefect Master.. and also my Form Teacher:))
it was a looong talk wif him wif alot of infos were noted..
hav prac for the Dance Xplosion competition..
really tired and all..
haha.. really ALL OUT!!
haha.. wif alot of sweats and i think im the most sweatiest person among the members.. haha.. can tell..
even if we are tired.. im still dancin like wad the HELL!
haha... well thats me..

anw .. 17 May marks the 11th Month of FiCo!
Happy 11th Monthsary Bro! LUV YA!!
we went to JP wif MyBroLuv to bank in something at Citibank after the prac.. bt it was closed once we reachd there...
AHHH!!! haha... and then mit up wif Tasha Shidah and Safwanah at Mc..
and then off we bak home...
i walked from JP to Gek Poh juz to buy my ppd.. and plus.. i didnt hav money inside my ezlink card anymore..:P thats worst.. haha...
after gettin my ppd.. waited for MahalKu outside the KFC until she was done wif her job..
then straight away went back home .. we juz talked about the moments and all.. soo now difference:P

now i got my ppd back.. im goin to msg and call alot of ppl wenever and wherever i like.. haha...
juz jking.. maintain:P
haha.. im touched wif MahalKu's msgs.. haha.. LUV U TOO MAHAL!!

Paka River Camp is coming.. and i wont be able to join the competition..
and tmr hav YOG prac.. from 8am till 12noon.. like goin back to skool:P
AH! nvm.. juz suffer it:P

to be honest.. im quite excited bt juz bcuz i want to dance.. i feel like backing out..
bt i think its too late alrdy.. aww... :(
not only for dance but for my Mum too..
i dont want her too pay too much of bills and payments.. soo thats y i made that decision..
bt no choice i still hav to come..
happy that the skool will be helping me and my mum for the payment.. THNKS MR SOH!!:)

~currently listening to My Grow Up Christmas List~

Luv F5

12:49 AM

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Back in Dance

like finally.. im back in action!!
haha.. i miss dancing ley..
juz nw had a dance prac at JP dome together wif UDC Boyz, Funky Boyz and Freekzy Nutz
some Funky Boyz only.. pitty!!
not only the boyz bt the garls too.. Kimberly and MahalKu!
we learnt new dances.. quite struggling bt was ohk..
can get the steps quite well bt still nid to prac.. haha.. not quite nice to do..:P
Practice Makes Perfect!
haha... from 2 to 6.. it was exhausted prac.
haha... i like the groove and the style of the dance.. hehe.. thats me:)
ALL OUt wif that part.
haha... sweat and all.. all OUT too!!
haha.. at least i can get to dance wif my UDC again.. haha..
long time i didnt dance wif them! this is the moment..
MahalKu went off first cuz she got work.. followed by the Funky Boyz together wif Alif..
haha.. at the Pioneer Mall.. accompanied MyBroLuv till his block.
juz talk and all.. haha... like normal talking as usual.. and then took bus home..
it was RAINING!! like I LOVE IT!! haha...

well juz nw in the morning.. i was watchin the ABDC videos..
the Champions are BACK!!
haha.. more Dope Songs and Dope Dance!!
haha.. thats before the prac.. haha..
while watching that i was thinking of dance again...
i miss dancing.. haha... LIKE HELL!!
haha.. i really nid to choreo by myself.. hmmm.. bt how.??
i tried bt i dont think its nice.. hehe...

well.. Dance Xplosion is coming.. and i wont be competing in the Prelims.. haha..
i hav camp on that day.. haha.. cant wait for my camp..
5 days 4 nights!!
haha.. hav to get ready now.. and currently alone at home.. :P

~currently listening to Dont Stop Believing~

Luv F5

4:34 AM

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Things have to happen

YO!! haha.. since morning till now.. nth to do at all.. im like seriously BORED!! haha.. been wif the bratz all morning and all day.. till now im still wif them. haha... kept on shouting to my nephew.. he is really irritating and all .. somethings that he did i really dont like to see and do it again.. well thats the reason y i was like that.. well.. talkd to Saf and Adik juz nw.. fun to chat. MISS ADIK U KNW! haha.. didnt meet him at skool cuz of the examination and all.. haha.. and i hav been checking alot of videos in the internet. haha.. im really BORED!! haha... well many ppl are outside now... im at home doin nothing.. :P i wanna go out.. lucky i hav something on tmr outside.. i hav to go out sometimes.. haha.. actually i hav been goin out.. but not enough:) come on,.. its the end of exams.. hehe.. but still nid to study by ourselves.. i knw:)) i hav to improve my subz btw.. in order to achieve my goals.. i hav to work hard for it.. haha.. THATS RITE!! i hav to. hehe.. i miss dancing YA KNW? haha... goin to dance soon... before the start of examination.. we stop for awhile. thats y... long time didnt dance yo.. now i hav to dance once at least.. competitions?? performances?? anything as long i dance.. haha.. that will be coming soon... i miss my Nutz Crew Family:) all of them are busy wif their last examinations.. the ppl that i danced wif.. i also missed.. Fantastic Crew Family.. i miss competing wif them.. after the last competition at Suntec:) AWW!!! shhhh... haha... i hav to get ready for tmr and even my camp.. im goin to my Parka River Camp this coming Thursday.. soo fast sey!! haha... CANT WAIT!! haha.. my birthday is coming soon:P haha... make my day aite.. hopefully hehe... gtg now!! PEACE!!
~currently listening to Push It~

Luv F5

6:51 AM

Friday, May 14, 2010
A bad day but a relief night
hey guys!! juz ns was my last paper.. AMaths!! OMG!! DAMN HARD SHIT!! rite aftr the paper Mr Koh came and said that "its a O Level standard" like WAD?? we are still Sec3 man.. -.- well hope for the best thats all.. hehe...

i was still affected wif it.. idk.. im juz scared.. and after seein and heard about it.. i was lonely actually.. hmm.. thats y.. well met MyBroLuv outside the skool and he was waiting wif Nash and all.. went back inside the skool and met Ms Ng wif the costumes and items that we nid for our YOG performance this coming soon.. we helped out for awhile at the Learners Block wif the balls and calling out the dancers for the costume test .. while waiting.. i was in a mood and talk wif Bro Reed.. haha.. it was a weird talk cuz once i ask him he reacted fast.. haha.. like he did something.. haha.. but actually about yesterday seeing him wif tasha at the libra.. hehe.. i mean bro, how i would i knw that u guys were there?? haha.. bt nvm.. i didnt want to ruin their romance together there tats y:p.. soo we juz talkd about it and all.. aftr that went back home while he went for his Friday Prayers..

my sista brought her classmates at home.. one of dem was my pri frend. haha.. we juz talkd about our past during our primary life. how different it was compared to this year?? haha.. after that they went to swim wif the bratz and as for me, i fell aslp from 3 to 6 inside the hot room.. bt still felt cold wen i woke up.. i was still slpy u knw.. haha...

went to MahalKu's place for the briefing together wif my F5.. Bro Reed juz came from his swim.. Ajik was early. haha.. everyone seems to be in da bad mood:( even me:P. during the meeting we were hoping for the last performance to go.. and WE DID!!! WOOHOO!!! haha.. den went home wif a bad mood also.. haha.. at home we didnt anything.. juz sit down and do our thang.. not even talk.. ?? i wonder.. den Ajik wanna go home so B.G.R accompanied him at the bustop.. met up wif Hakim and his cuz.. talked for awhile until the bus came.. otw back home i was CRAZY!! talked wif Reed for awhile.. wad im facing.. im feeling.. like that.. we juz talkd and relac under the block.. i was touchd wif one part of the talk.. i mean wad i said that time bro.. seriously.. now i knw that he has it all the long.. didnt expect and i was scared...

den tasha and Mahal came.. Reed accompanied Tasha while me and Mahal stayed and played for awhile... haha.. enjoyed:)) n den its late.. goin back home.. bringing my radio back home and Bro Reed accompanied me to the bustop.. talkd for awhile until the bus came.. and thats all.. to be honest.. after the examination.. im goin to be in alot of eventS:)) cant wait...

~currently listening to Whatcha Say~

Luv F5

10:43 AM

Thursday, May 13, 2010
End of Mid Year!

hey guys.. finally examination is over and im juz goin to stay at home... or maybe goin.. i hav no mood to post anything.. but thnks for the ears... holidays are coming.. eh.. cant wait.. juz hope that my papers will go well.. well den.. peace...

~currently listening to OMG~

Luv F5

9:49 PM

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
4 more to go!!

hey guys!! haha.. now overall i survive through my papers now.. finally i only hav 4 more papers to go.. after that.. NO MORE!! haha... oh yah!! before i forgot...

Happy 11th Monthsary FySha!!
Happy 11th Monthsary BGR!!
Happy 11th Monthsary F5!!

which is today!! haha... no forgetin about it rite??

anw.. im now studyin my Physics. haha.. tmr is juz one paper.. YEAH!! but still nid to study :P juz cant wait for the exams to be over.. and holidays are coming soon:P haha.. n im goin to camps and all.. OMG!! lots of things comin up! cant WAIT!! haha.. im scared for my Bio and Chem.. but i can do it MAN!! WOOOHHOOOO!!! haha... well.. this is the end now.. see ya guys soon.. after my exams and all.. PEACE!!


~currently listening to Bad Man~

Luv F5

6:17 AM

Mother's Day!!
*this post is meant on Sunday Event*

hey guys!! haha.. first n for most.. i would like to sey a Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers out there!! haha... Brothers and Sisters, its our Mother's special day today and its time for them to have a good time wif us and hang outside the house YO!! throw away those probs mothers cuz we have something special for u!! haha... u welcome!! enjoy ur day!! PEACE!!

haha.. i have not been posting lately cuz busy wif my MYE this month! OMG!! AAHH!! stress siol! SERIOUSLY STRESS!! aahh... well to continue wif my post.. my fam and i went to Pizza Hut to celebrate Mummy's Day! haha.. yummy!! haha.. FYI.. i like my hair.. hehe.. i was really full and even brought my books along to study.. haha.. the kidz were really noise and playing around wif one another from the Pizza Hut area til the MRT! haha.. they were sooo CUTE!! haha.. even took video of them playing..:P

then met wif MahalKu and talked about soemthing.. i even treat her a Starbucks. haha.. and Donuts from her to me.. aww... i was touched wen she told me a story about something yesterday.. haha.. and i was worried at the same time cuz i ddint mean to make MyBroLuv feel that way.. haha... thats y i treat him wif a Buddy Meal at KFC central wen i met him wif Kam.. and all the way we studied and glad to see that he is happy now.. haha...

tried to study at KFC but cant.. soo went in the CC and studied there.. haha.. at third level.. haha.. studied about Social Studies and all.. got for hrs and started to dance. haha.. i mean dance dance!! haha... at 930... packed up and followed him to Gek Poh to meet MahalKu! haha... cute sey her mates at KFC. haha.. we were like laughin.. haha.. while waiting till 11 we danced for awhile and den its time for us to go home till their block only.. hehe... cuz this time im goin to...

haha.. went to Mc again wif my Fam!! haha.. having enjoyable time wif them.. laughin here and there.. haha.. i even brought my books along juz to study.. hehe.. but overall.. enjoy!!! haha... well thats all i hav to sey.. peace!!

~currently listening to Freak Show~

Luv F5

5:16 AM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
hey guys!!!
i wont be updating anything for awhile..
until my Mid Year Exam is OVER!!!
Best of luck for me!!!

7:10 AM

Bad Day actually!!

hey!! first and for most.. i know wad happen.. soo yah.. i was shocked and all.. juz cant believe it. hope that its not true. i hav to something about it.. i hav to.. i wont juz let this things happen.. like there is no reason to do that at all.. hmmm... i will!! FOR MY LOVE TOWARDS THEM!!

its a bad day for me.. woke up wif a really bad stomachache that i cant even walkd to skool.. tats y i didnt come to skool.. soo i took a rest after that wake feeling betta alrdy. i guess its juz a sudden pain.. bt it was painful profusely. bt i still went to skool rite aftr the skool time to take our measurements for the YOG performance that will be having aftr examinations..it was an URGENT one soo i hav to go.. once reachd the skool.. its alrdy been ruin by one of the teachers that i really HATE!! i dont care.. i dont even wanna see your face at ALL!!.. hmmmm..

met the rest at the dance room and waitd for Ms C. Ng to come. i was still sufferin abit of stomachache.. TAHAN!! Ms Ng and the tailor were here.. started to try on wif the costumes.. haha.. the costumes are really nice.. to be honest i like the PINK one. haha...aftr that costumes.. stayed for awhile wif MyBroLuv and some of ppl... actually i really hate wad im seein.. soo tried my best to let him go wif me... juz to prevent this.. bt he wont.. i hav to stay.. until i forced him to do it.. sry bro.. i hav too... and instead of taking the bus, i let him walk wif me.. sry bro..

well it was a success for me.. so thats cool. anws, we juz talkd the probs out. i knw wads goin on... gav him comfort and courage.. talkd from skool till the bustop. i was touched from was he said.. really luv ya bro.. glad that he is feelin abit betta and realizing too.. bt even betta wen he got his rest alrdy..

met him and Mammy at their bustop at nite.. goin to JP to bank in.. bt it was closed. glad to hear that they were ohk alrdy.. NO MORE FIGHTS AITE!!! haha.. he is really happy:) bought same watch bt diff colour.. mine is BLUE while his is RED. haha.. den studied at his house. playing around at the same time.. he is still happy about it.. OMG!! haha... :> studied Chemistry. well.. at least i knw abit and betta.. its time to fetch MahalKu at KFC at 11pm.. we juz talkd and showed her my new watch. same as hers bt LIGHT BLUE for her. haha... and then continued to study until its time.. sent msg first before goin off.. it seems that everyone is really tired.. haha... well.. GUDNITE GUYS!!! PEACE!!!

this time im goin to skool...
MID YEAR is in the following day..

~currently listening to Jocking Jay-Z~

Luv F5

4:27 AM

Monday, May 3, 2010

hey guys!!! went to library wif Sista BarbieNatasha and fetch her from her block. we talkd for awhile otw to libra. even met some of the teachers... suspiciously Ms E. Ng askd if only the two of us.. quickly said NO or else thoughts will got wrong. haha.. libra level 2 was ohk.. haha.. at least we can study abit and talkd for awhile. soon coincidence that ppl were comin. like Tasha, Saf and Adik were together and joined... haha.. the RiCo Stylers ppl were there too.. OMG!! haha.. soon Bro Reed came and then some of the Sec1 Nutz Crew. haha.. BIG GROUP!! haha.. and then Ajik came. haha...

such a BIG group that i cant study at all... met wif MySisLuv, Ain, Shafina, Hidayat and Shukri also. haha.. followed them and talked wif Fina for awhile.. its been soo long that we hav nt talkd after we hav...*u knw*... soo i juz joined them cuz there were really a BIG group. 3rd floor is ohk for me also.. haha..

well.. Ain and mySisLuv went to buy something to eat together wif Shukri and Hidayat.. left me and Fina. we juz talkd for awhile... how we hav been doin?? hows life?? thats all.. no more than that.. i was shocked wen Mahal together Alif came.. i knw that face alrdy so dont nid to explain.. soon they went back home together.. hmmm... soo yah... soon Ain and all came back i went back to my gang again.. haha... fun bt still cant study.

one by one ppl started to go home and all... aww...:)) haha... around 630 we went back.. took bus and off back home... and talkd to Sista BarbieNatasha .. enjoyed:))


~currently listening to OMG~

Luv F5

8:26 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Study for Mid Year

Groovy Nutz

i miss my Groovies every much!! soo long we hav not been competing wif one another for a competition. i juz hope that one day we will compete and perform together. juz happy to see ppl from groovy improving alot. juz happy to see them grow and be coming a better dancer:)) one day groovy one day!! juz wanna sey that i really miss they soo much!! LUV YAS!!

hey guys!! hav been studyin one days bt still not enough for me.. still nid to study tmr.. anws, studied wif Tasha Safwanah and some of the nutz crew also at libra.. Citra also came.. did only Maths. even went to Mc to hav some Cinnamon Melts. haha.. did some video also. haha.. funny!! went bak n continue to study. that Auntie at Library always aim at my group. idk.. its really irritating.

coincidentally met Din and a garl who is studyin at Boon Lay Secondary. nice talking to her actually.. we talkd about personal things. she is studyin at my Ex skool. OH NO!! hehe.. at least i got to knw her. one by one ppl started to go home n left only the 3 of us. stayed for awhile and talk. its almost late went to Mc to makan and then went off first hme first to makan.

i went to Pioneer Mc to study wif MyBroLuv and Tasha. haha.. its entertaining this time. lots of laugh and all.. hehe.. met some of our old JYIANS also and talked. juz talkd talkd and all. i was studyin mostly my Maths soo yah.. its getting late.. Brotha sent Tasha home and met him again at the bustop. then we juz talked for awhile and talking about my personal stuffs..
Thnks for the encouragement Bro!
thats how i felt only..
we fetchd MahalKu from her work.. she was carrying food and i fell down again. i was irritated and shouted. rchd till their door n went bak home.. thats all for nw...

i dont care.. i will study harder tmr!!

~currently listening to Telephone~

Luv F5

8:34 AM

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2

Hey Guys!! went out wif Kuya Aan juz nw to Vivo City and watched Iron Man 2!! DOPE SHIT!! u guys should watch it! the fighting scenes were SHIT MAN!! haha.. before that woke up at 830 n met up wif him at 11am at Pending.. took a bus from there till Vivo for 45mins or less and then took our tickets first.. we hav more time to waste so went to Starbucks n bought Caramel Coffee for me and normal coffee for himself:P haha.. went back to GV and got our foods all n entered.

the house was FULL and thats y we were at the fourth row. haha.. and its my first time in the GV Vivo City! DAMN BIG!! as the movie starts... we were eating all out! haha.. the movie was really DOPE!!! u guys really hav to watch it!! haha..

after that, went to Pizza Hut to eat!! too much Chicken too much Pizza pieces.. still enjoyed the food. haha.. FULL!! haha.. went to shop around the Vivo and even went to Bugis juz to find presents for MahalKu and MyBroLuvs VERY belated birthday. haha.. for the whole hours we were walking everywhere and finally i found them. JUZ FOR THEM!! haha.. cuz i LUV u guys:) haha.. the whole day till around 7 or 8 plus.. haha.. after that.. TIRED! went to Starbucks again and had another Caramel Coffee shared the two of us. haha... juz charging our batteries and soon we were bak on track. haha.. otw home.. separated from Jurong East onwards:))

Kuya Aan.. thnks for the fun and the treat of the movie. haha.. my first time bein there and u made it happen for me:)) thnks for helping me also for finding the presents:)) thnk u once again kuya!! see ya soon:))

now its time to giv away the presents. juz did a last min wrappin scene at JP and took a bus to their block.. met Mahal at the bustop and off to their place. haha.. at first they saw me.. no reaction.. they were tired actually. haha.. then one by one i gav the presents.. first is Bro Reed and then Mahal.. and she even thought i forgot about her.. WHO SAID?? LOL!! haha.. yah. bought her a bracelet and a stuff toy .. haha.. n her fav colour also.. haha.. well i hope they like.. and it seems that they like it. WELL DONE GICO!! LOL!!!

before leaving juz hang out for awhile inside his room wif his com on. watching Ip Man fighting scenes and talked about the Iron Man movie too.. but not the whole thing.. see from urself guys!! haha.. soon played around wif the song that he was mixing and the songs that he was finding. haha.. juz bored and did that for fun. hehe.. before i knew it i fell asleep.. woke up by the song n slpt again.. ahah.. this time woke up wen Bro gav me a shake.. shockin shake:P LOL!! haha.. ii was really tired like i really slpt there.. haha.. gav a gudbye thang to Bro and Mahal and off i go to home! haha.. they really like the presents:)) thnks guys!! LUV YAZ!!

I really enjoyed myself wif Kuya Aan
Happy that my mission is OVER to find that presents for the sibz:))
i want this thing to happen again:))


~currently listening to Heaven~

Luv F5

9:23 AM


GroovyGage DansBoy!
♥My BabyGarl♥130709♥
Juying Secondary School=1/2/3E1
Nutz Crew Rep. Groovy Nutz
you respect me, i respect u back. u mess wif my love ones, u mess wif ME!
I ♥ F5

*every songs has a meaning within*


Music Playlist at MixPod.com



hang out wif frends!
dear classmates
♥Fantastic Crew and Nuts Crew♥


Date with my Sayang
Blue Shoes
Blue Dance Tshirts and Plants
Blue Laptop
Blue Wallet
Class Outing
New Handphone(Blue)
Blue Dickies
Blue BagPack
Watch Movie with F5
Outing with F5/SBND
Blue Ipod/Touch Ipod
Performance with F5
Double Date With FySha and RiCo
Did GREAT in my EOY
Wishes come TRUE



JYSS Prefects
1/2E1 Class Blog
FanCrew Blog
FanCrewCheer Blog

Abang Jamyl
Bee Ying
Danial A.
Huay Shan(SkyCamp)
Jen Mun
Mei Ying
Natasha Lim
Nitter Nixaa
Shi Min(G.Sis)
Wei Lin(BLGPS)
Wen Xin
Yang En


March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010

